Wednesday 30 March 2011


seths murdered the trucks of the skateboard, doing pop shuvits.
as i said doomed to faceplant, hopefully epicly

Tuesday 29 March 2011


HI guys,
Kai here,made the secound gen logo today, (the first one is on the banner) and added various improvements to the blog, like the logo on the side bar

new logo


Seth: I've mastered the ollie.

kai: your still gonna face plant, dude.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Trick of the week

The trick of the week has to be the caveman because they are easy, fun and it is possible to do them over most things.

where as seths Fail of the weak (yes it took that from  acheivement hunter.) would probably be an ollie which although we took over 100 takes of, and only about 20 worked and because of the camera being an arse i only got 3 ollie shots




this is kai (the camera guy)
today was our first day taking photo. some sick shots taken by me. although i missed seth's (the skater) head quite alot. we've already broken the trucks on the board although its quite old.
broken bit of truck
Next weekend we might take some more shots,I'll put todays photos up in a sec.